розробки уроків

You will hear an excerpt about hobbies. Listen to the conversations and read the questions to them. Choose and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1.It is a good day for
A)  Sleeping
B) A long ride
C) Visiting my Granny
D) Fishing
2. What are the girls’ names?
A)  Mary and Linda
B) Ann and Susan
C) Linda and Maggie
D) Maggie and Sue
3. Where are they from?
A)  New York and California
B) London and New York
C) California and Tokyo
D) Paris and London
4. What does Maggie like reading?
A) Adventure stories
B) History
C)  Astrology, history
D) Poetry
5. What are Linda’s hobbies?
A) Reading and studying languages
B)  Travelling and collecting stamps
C) Watching TV and photography
D) Photography and travelling
6.  Where does Maggie want to travel?
A)  Egypt and Indie
B) England and Ukraine
C) USA and Italy
D) France and Spain
7. The boys are speaking about
A) Movies
B) Videogames
C) School
D) Hobby
8. What hobby has Ethon?
                     A) Fishing
               B) Play games        
               C) Reading
D) Listen to music
9. What hobby has Dude?
A) Listen to music
B) Writing e-mail
C)  Watch movies
D)  Travelling
10. Maggie is collecting
A)  New books
B)  Old coins
C)  Rare books
D)  Expensive things
11. What does Ethon collect?
A)  Badges
B) Old books
C)  Stamps
D)  Coins
12. What does Maggie like to do in free time?
A)  Reading
B)  Play computer games
C)  Listen to music
D)  Help friends

семестрова контрольна робота 6 клас 2 семестр(тест)

6 form 2 sem    writing   V-1
1.   The place where you can buy meat
a)   the butcher’s             b) the dairy          c) the bakery
2.   You can buy caramels at the…
a)   toys for boys       b) confectionary        c) grocer’s
3.   There…many different departments
a)   Is         b) are
4.   Ukrainian money
a)   Hryvnia              b)dollar           c) pound                                            2 бали
5.   Can you help me? I… … for the butcher’s now
a)   am watching            b) am look          c) am looking
   6. To keep
     a) Good   b) fit   c) sport
   7. Messages over the Internet
     a) Letter   b) e-mail   c) meeting
   8… you ever … tennis in your life?
   a) Have…play   b)  Has… played  c) Have… played                                 4 бали
   9. What school are you studying at?
a)   specialized language school b) secondary school c) lyceum
10.During the Math lesson we
a)   sing a song  b) do the sums   c) listen to a dialogue
    11.Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra is a …
a)   Monastery    b) palace     c) cave                                                           3 бали
      12.написати  листа з подякою (англійською мовою) або описати одне із цікавих  
        місць Києва та одне із місць Лондона(українською мовою)              3 бали

урок англійської мови 6 клас

  Тема уроку: Їжа. Продукти харчування.

·        Практична: повторити вивчені у попередніх класах назви продуктів та ввести нові лексичні одиниці до теми, формувати навички читання з повним розумінням прочитаного;
·        Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про класифікацію продуктів харчування;
·        Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;
·        Виховна : виховувати культуру спілкування , прищеплювати прагнення використовувати здобуті знання як засобу інтелектуального самоствердження.

Обладнання: лексичні картки до теми, аркуші з таблицею для роботи у групі.
Хід уроку.
1.     Оргмомент.
Організація класу. Привітання. Введення у іншомовну атмосферу.
How do you do, my dears? Are you in a good mood? Are you ready for the lesson? We have got an interesting and unusual lesson today. We have some guests in the classroom. So, go ahead! We begin to spoke about the healthy food.
Look at the blackboard. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read this sentence.
So, this is the motto of our lesson. Now, let’s read the poems.
1.     Vegetables and fruit
For children are very good.
Eat vegetable and fruit
And they’ll do you very good.
Those who eat much fruit
Are in a very good mood.
They are in a very good mood,
Those,who eat much fruit.

2. I like eating lots and lots of food
Bread and jam, and meat and fish
Cakes and biscuits too
Beans and mustard, eggs and chips
Mutton, steak, potatoes, peas
And salted mushrooms too
Children do you remember any poems about food?
( poems about food)
P1 : I like pizza
You like cheese
We like ice-cream
Ice-cream please

P2: I like coffee
You like tea
I like you and
You like me!

P3: Milk and bread
For little Fred
Tea and jam
For brother Sam
But I drink orange juice
Cocoa, milk, tomato juice
And sometimes
In a tall green glass

P4: On Sunday I like steak and chips
On Monday bread and cheese
On Tuesday Coca-cola
And pizza…mmm, yes,please

Now let’s remember some English tongue-twisters about food and drinks.
Phonetic drill
1.     It is very good and sweet and it is so good to eat(яблуко )
2.     A cup of coffee hot in a proper coffee pot.(кава )
3.     I scream you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.( морозиво)
4.     Give me an orange , orange, orange. I don’t like to eat porridge, porridge ,porridge.(апельсин)
5.     A big fresh-frozen fried fish is on a dish.
6.     The cook took a good look at the cookery book.
7.     I like the way you look
I like the way you cook

Основна частина уроку.
1.     Повідомлення теми уроку. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.
So, as you see, we are beginning a new topic – “Health. Food”. Do you think we’ll have good time learning it? Is it important to be able to speak on this topic? And you will be able not to speak, but to read, listen and understand the menus, the prices, the recipes of the dishes and many other useful things. Shall we start?
Open your copy-books and write down the date.
Play game.’’Snake’’
Find  the name of fruit and vegetables and write them in your copy-books.
T: What is your favourite dish?
-         My favourite dish is a meat soup.
-         My favourite dish is fried potato
-         My favourite dish is borsch
-         My favourite dish is sausage
-         My favourite dish is fish
T: And what about the rest of pupils? We made a poll and found out if other pupils in our class liked or disliked these food and dishes, and how often they ate them. Look at the board.

Подпись: cakesПодпись: potatoesПодпись: fishПодпись: applesПодпись: Salted nuts

Подпись: borsch 

Do you

How often do you eat salted nuts?

Every day
Once, twice a week
Once a month
Very often
Not very often












Do you

How often do you eat apples?

Every day
Once, twice a week
Once a month
Very often
Not very often












Do you

How often do you eat borsch?

Every day
Once, twice a week
Once a month
Very often
Not very often












Do you

How often do you eat cakes?

Every day
Once, twice a week
Once a month
Very often
Not very often












Do you

How often do you eat fish ?

Every day
Once, twice a week
Once a month
Very often
Not very often












Do you

How often do you eat potatoes?

Every day
Once, twice a week
Once a month
Very often
Not very often












P1: I’ve found out that a typical pupil of our class likes borsch         because       pupils of 11 answered ‘’yes’’ and     - “no’’
You should remember that borsch is very useful for our health. It consists of almost 20 components and gives our body enough energy for a half of a working day. That’s why you should eat borsch more often.

P2: A typical pupil of our class likes potato, because     pupils of 11 answered ‘’yes’’ and -    “no’’. It’s understandable, because potato is the most popular vegetable in our country. It has a lot of vitamins, fiber and minerals. But you shouldn’t eat potato very often because it has a lot of calories.

P3: I’ve found out that a typical pupil of our class likes cakes. All 11 pupils answered  ‘’yes’’. But almost all of them eat cakes only on holidays. And it’s very good, because cakes have a lot carbohydrates and fats and you should not eat them often, they are not good for our health.

P4: A typical pupil of our class likes fish. Because     pupils said ’’yes’’. But these pupils eat fish not very often, so you must remember , that fish is very useful for our health you should eat more fish.

P5:I would like to say that a typical pupils of our class likes apples.(All 10 pupils answered ‘’yes’’). It’s very good. Because apples have a lot of vitamins. But most pupils don’t eat apples very often.

P6: I’ve found out that a typical pupil of our class likes salted nuts(      pupils said”yes’’ and        ‘’no’’. I think those        pupils are right and I agree with them. But the other    pupils who like salted nuts, don’t eat them very often and it’s very good

You looked at this diagram.
Tell me please why do you like borsch and potatoes?
Why do you like apples? Why do we must eat fish?
Why do you mustn’t eat salted nuts?
And now I propose you to do test . You can see paper 3 Take them, write your name and do the test. You have 4 minutes
1.Translate the word”Їжа
a) fish
b) dish
c) fruit
d) vegetables
e) food
2.Borsch is made of:
a) potatoes, fruit, beans, meat
b) meat, carrote, cream, beans
c) beet, meat, tomato souce, potatoes, cabbage
d) beet, macaroni, cabbage, lettus, cheese
e)carrote, cream, soup, potatoes
3. Is it true?
a) Hot dog is a fast food.
b) Pizza is a favourite German dish.
c)Borsch is a favourite Ukrainian dish
d) Deruny is traditional English food
e) Ukrainians like vareniky very much
4. Find the right word-combinations:
a) wet meat
b)boiled potatoes
c) sweet fish
d)sweet fruit
e) fried chicken
5. Choose the Ukrainian food:
a) macaroni, borsch, omelette, holubtsi
b) borsch, cabbage soup(kapusniak), holubtsi
c) deruny, beefsteak, omelette, cabbage soup(kapusniak)
d) pudding, omelette, macaroni, beefsteak
e) pizza, holubtsi, omelette, macaroni, pudding
At the lesson we speak about food. There is a healthy and unhealthy food. I propose you play game” Box”
You must take the object and name it and put in the right place
2.     Ведення понять «Ready-made» та «Home-made»:
·        What food can we name “home-made”? And ready-made food we buy at the supermarkets and shops. Give the examples of both kinds of food.
·        Читання тексту вправи 1 ст.48 підручника з наступним обговоренням за питаннями після тексту.
·        Формування навичок вживання лексики.
1.     Гра «Великий комбінатор: за допомогою слів із вправи 2 на ст.48 підручника складіть словосполучення та запишіть їх на дошці. За кожне правильне словосполучення автор отримує 1 очко.
2.     Гра «Bingo!»: учні записують будь-які 3 словосполучення із дошки. Учитель називає словосполучення у довільному порядку, учні підкреслюють названі словосполучення у зошиті. Виграє учень, який найпершим закреслив усі 3 словосполучення, він отримує 3 очки.
Формування навичок читання. Вправа 4 ст.49 підручника: прочитати текст подумки та розсортувати речення відповідно змісту двох оповідань. Прочитати отримані оповідання вголос.
3.     Домашнє  завдання. Диференціація
І група:
a)Complete the sentences(for capable students)
1)    When I am hungry I want to…
2)    When I am thirsty I want to…
3)    People cannot live without…
4)    There is a lot of … in vegetables and fruit.
5)    People have got four … a day.
6)    English people drink tea with…
7)    Russian tea is tea with…in it.
8)    In summer everybody likes to eat berries, fruit or ice-cream for…
9)    … is the biggest meal a day.
ІІ група: make the card № 1
ІІІ група: make the card № 2

4.     Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.
At the end of our lesson look at the blackboard and tell me what of these food is healthy  and what is unhealthy.(робота з дошкою)
Our lesson is almost over. Did you enjoy it? What new things have you learned today? And we had a really nice competition today. Let’s check the points and find the winner. All of you work at the lesson that’s why you get sweet present for the lesson. I thank you .The lesson is over. Good buy.

Тема: Готуємоcя до пікніка
Мета:1. Формувати  та розвивати  навички  аудіювання по  темі «Food»;  
2. Практикувати вживання граматичного матеріалу(The Present Continuous Tense)  в непідготовленому мовленні з використанням особистого досвіду та знань
3. Активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці , структури в усному мовленні
4. Розвивати навички читання ,письма
5. Виховувати почуття колективізму ,формувати вміння прислуховуватися до думки інших, працювати однією командою  для досягнення  успіху
Обладнання:відеоролики, картки, приказки та прислівя англійською мовою, малюнки, продукти харчування

Good morning ,children! Im happy to greet you at our English lesson. We have guests today. But don’t worry, I hope you are fine and you will be active and energetic at the lesson. Let’s begin. Please divide into 2 groups
The topic of our lesson is  hides in the English sentence. But we can  read  it  if we do some tasks. Look, you must do exercise  and find the correct words of sentence..
Picnic is a wonderful pastime
II. Warm up
The first task is read the proverbs and find the first word. It is 4
1.    An apple a day keeps a doctor away
2.    Eat well, stay healthy!
3.    Half a loaf is better than  no bread
4.    A cup of coffee hot in a proper coffee pot
5.    A big fresh –frozen fried fish is on a dish
6.    If you want to eat the fruit,you must learn to climb the tree.
7.    The cook took a good look at the cookery book

Ok. Continuer.
The second task. Activity «Name 5»
1.    Things to eat
2.    Things to drink( water,juice,tea,milk,coffee)
3.    Red fruits( apple, plum,strawberry, raspberry, berry)
4.    Yellow fruits( banana, lemon, pear, apricot,apple, grapes)
5.    Things made from milk( cheese, youghurt, butter, cream, ice-cream)
6.    Things vegetarians do not eat (fish, eggs, sausage, ham, meat)
The next word is «Is a».It is second
Next task :Look at the picture and find  all the words of topic «Food»write down them in your copybooks.  Between them there are  words «обід на природі». and «чудесний» they are 1,  3.
 Read the sentence , please.
The motto of the lesson is picnic.Write the sentence in your copybooks
II Motivation
But nowadays is autumn and the weather is so cold, sometimes raining that is why we can not go to the picnic in the park or to the river. Today  we’ll have a virtual picnic.
At the end of the lesson we must answer the problem question:
Why we speak and must know everything about picnic?
Picnic is a pastime with your family or friends outdoor or indoor
Do you like to go to the picnic?
 When we go to the picnic we take something to eat.
What food do you take for the picnic?
Who prepares food for the picnic?
Do you like to eat sweet cake in picnic?
Do you know how to make  a cake?
IV Listening
Open your vocabularies and write down new words in them:
To sift the flour- просіювати борошно
To stir-мішати
A spatula-лопаточка, шпатель
A water bath-водяна баня
 To mix-змішувати
To put-ставити
Look, listening   and name all products which need you to  make a cake
(перегляд відеоролика)
OK. Now make a recipe of cake using  new words (малюнки з приготування пирога)
For picnic we must prepare some food and take picnic basket. We remember The Present continuous Tense and form our basket
(перегляд відео про граматичний час)
Act it using the necessary things (хліб, сир, ковбаса, масло, )
V    Reading
Open your books Ex. 2 p.66
VI Writing
I group –Find 7 words
II groupe – Learn the poem
How do you like coffee?
Black, black
How do you like tea?
With lemon please
How do you like steak?
Medium rare
How do you like eggs?
I don’t care
III groupe-write a recipe of cake

VII homework
-I group Ex.1 –reading and writing words for topic Food
Ex.6 –II group Make report
    VIII summarizing
Let’s sum up our work. All of you have worked hardly today.
Remember our problem question
Why we speak and must know everything about picnic?
Who is the best today? Who doesn’t work?
Your marks are…

нестандартний урок

Тема: Чарівний світ кіно. Урок -тест
Мета: 1. Закріпити знання,вміння та навички  учнів по темі « Кіно», сформовані на 
            2. Навчати учнів використовувати свої знання під час роботи з текстом
            3.  Розвивати навички роботи з компютером
            4.  Тренувати учнів  в читанні та говорінні
            5.Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, увагу, память
            6. Сприяти розвиткові вміння працювати в парах
Виховна мета: виховувати любов до прекрасного,  позитивне ставлення до вивчення
                          англійської мови
Обладнання : мультимедійна дошка, комп’ютери, презентація, програма Test
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
- greeting
T: Good morning, boys and girls,. Nice to see you
Cl: Good morning ,teacher. Nice to see you too.
-         Aim
T: Today at the lesson we’ll talk about films, read and listening to the text,  do some exercises,  make dialogues. And a computer will be our helper in the lesson.
Look at the blackboard you can see  that the topic of our lesson is “ Cinema”
II.Введення в іншомовне середовище
Dear children, I propose you divide into 3 groups and begin answer the questions
Look at the blackboard
Do you like watching films?
Is waching a film more interesting than reading a book?
Let’s revise kinds of films
III. Робота з текстом  .Тренування в самостійному читанні тексту
1.     Read the text and do exercises on computers
Text “A visit to the Cinema”(5 хв)
2.Test-control of reading(10хв)
IV. Розвиток усного мовлення
Look at the virtual blackboard  you can see situation. There are 3 . Your task is make topic to the situation. You work in pairs
V.Підведення підсумків уроку
Summing up
During our lesson you remember words of the topic “Cinema”, do exercises, read the text, use the computer’s program, play games. Each of you gets marks. They are:
VI. Домашнє завдання
Project work “ My favourite actor/actress”

9 клас

  Практична: розвивати навички усного мовлення з теми; вдосконалювати навички
                       аудіювання, читання, письма.
 Освітня:        розширити та поглибити знання учнів з теми
 Розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси учнів,
                       розвивати мислення, пам’ять, увагу, культуру спілкування
  Виховна:   виховувати бережливе ставлення до природи, її багатств, почуття
                    Відповідальності, ввічливості, доброзичливості, загальну культуру учнів

1.     Організаційний момент
T: Good morning . I am glad to see you today. I hope you are quite well and ready for the lesson.
Dear friends! I would like you to look at the pictures on the class board and read the motto
 “ The environment protection ”.You can see some quotations devoted to the topic.
” In the eyes of nature we are just another species in trouble”
“ The world began without man, and it will complete itself without him”( Claude Levi Straus)
“If ever person swept their own doorstep, the city would soon be clean”
“ It’s never too late to mend”
If you see  today’s lesson is dedicated to such a vital problem as environmental protection.

2.      Фонетична та мовна зарядка
Look at your paper and read the poem
Walking along, feeling free
Feeling the Earth here with me
And I love her and she loves me
I hug the Earth, she hugs me
She’s our kindest friend
We’d  like to go together forever

T: And now, tell me please do you agree with the author of the poem? Is the Earth our friend?
What is the role of nature in our life?
I propose you to do the next exercise. You see a paper with the table. Make the words with their definitions
Ecology    is
Pollution is
To save
To lessen
To recycle
 to make something good for the second using
 to reduce
 the contamination of environment: of air, water, land
 dangerous for people health and life
 the sun, the stars etc., and everything in the world that was not made by people
 to take somebody or something out of danger
 the science that deals with the relation of the living things to the environment
 totally clean; not mixed with any other things

And now open your copy-books write down the date and we do this exercise in your copy-books . Who wants go to the blackboard?(6m)
Some of your classmates prepare for you reports. Listen please the information about nature’s problems.
(reports of pupils)the first is Ann and after listening you must do test
Agree or disagree with me.
1. We are living in a time of rapid scientific and technological progress.
2. The protection of nature hasn’t become an actual problem of the 20th century.
3. People only in our country are raising their voices more in defence of Mother Nature.
4. According to the 27th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, July 5 is World Environment Day.
5. Our country pays much attention to the problem of saving the animals.
6. "Citizens of Ukraine are obliged to protect nature and conserve its riches."
7. New laws and resolutions are adopted every month.
8. Their aim is to destroy the atmosphere.
9. Their aim is to protect the country’s land recourses.
10. Success in protecting nature is possible only if all the countries join their efforts.
11. Our constitution has article about protection of nature.
12. We should pay attention to the rational use of the natural recourses.
The second is Helen .Listen some information how to take care our planet.
Tell me please how do we treat the Earth?
Do you know some facts about it?
What to do?

Open the book at page 66  lesson 3. The motto is Fly-tipping. Do you know what is this? The synonym of this word is rubbish. Look at the exercise 1 you can see 5 pictures and their definitions, match them. You have 4 minutes. Now I propose you listen text and test yourselves
Your home task for today is translation of new words. Open your vocabulary and check your task: read the words and translate them.

We continue to work. The next task is reading. This is exercise 4 at page 67. Who wants begin?
After the text there is some exercises. The first is №5. Do it oral. Complete the sentences.
 Now open your boxes at page 32 . We must do exercise 2.

I would like to finish the lesson with the poem.
Save the planet
The fish in the sea are dying
From the pollution we create
We’ve got to stop polluting
Before it’s too late
Before it’s too late

Our planet is in trouble
It gets worse every day
We have to help our planet
In every possible way.
In the woods and forests
There cutting down the trees
We’ve got to save our forests
Everyone agrees
Everyone agrees

The hole in the ozone layer
Is getting bigger every day
We’ve got to stop pollution
We have to find away
We have to find away
I’d like to sum up the results of our lesson. I’m pleased with your work at the lesson your mark are…

At home please do exercise 6 page 67

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